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Bullshit unlimited but is still selling

St-Sinner 9 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Satan's been doing some upper body and abs work at the gym. I'm wondering which exercises and what his diet is like.

kmaz Level 7 Apr 24, 2023

2 wings, a hunter and spear - isn't that enough with 4 hands? Flying takes a lot of strength and he has to fly all over the world.

His butt is rather strong too but I will leave it alone.

St- Sinner is correct, flying takes a lot of energy, and he is very badly designed. Those horns on his head for one thing, it is very bad aerodynamics to put weight very far forward, he will have to work very hard in order to avoid going into a nose dive all the time. And the long tail tappers in the wrong direction, it should be wider where it has the most leverage at the end. Must have to use a lot of brute force and build a lot to compensate for all that.

Obviously an example of Gods unintelligent design, evolution would not have made basic errors like that.

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