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Texas Senate passes bill requiring public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, and now heads to the House which is also Republican controlled.


LovinLarge 8 Apr 26

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The ACLU and the FFRF will both have a field day with that mob of emotional delinquents, mental defectives and law breakers.


Will the politicians and judges vote for freedom of religion or for sedition? Will they endorse American Constitutional values or engage in virtue signaling to fellow Christian fascists?


Whether or not this is upheld through the court(s), it’s a further sign how much certain individuals brains are rotting to shit. I make no apologies for saying it’s a good thing the human race is possibly heading for extinction. It would be a huge benefit for all other life on the planet, be it the oceans, the marine life in it, the forests, land animals, plants, I can go on. Again the only evil that exists is all human created. I’m certainly not without my faults or weaknesses as well as strengths, but I do have a conscience and sense of right and wrong.


This one is headed to the S̶u̶p̶r̶e̶m̶e̶ Inquisition Court.

And they will support it as the law of the land. It would be wiser not to challenge it. For now.

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