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Could of put this is many different groups. Not saying anything, just posting the research. It should spur additional research and findings in the years to come.

The Last Spark: Consciousness in the Dying Brain Unveiled


FvckY0u 8 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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So, according to this article "Reports of near-death experiences—with tales of white light, visits from departed loved ones, hearing voices, among other attributes—capture our imagination and are deeply engrained in our cultural landscape"

But that's all it is...reports of near death experiences...

but made by delusional, and very ill people.

You want to use this as evidence of a life after death?


But you know that feeling you had before you were born?

Yea...that "non" feeling.

That's what the evidence points to for us "agnostics"

But you go ahead a cling to your false'll make you happy!


I accept being "Not here"...

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