3 2

I am a practicing Buddhist. Buddhism gives me energy.

Inquisitive 2 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Good for you, just don't give us the sales speech.


Happy for you. It's great when something 'works'!
I found this on Quora:
Darrell Kitchen, Theravada Buddhist Monk (12 years).
Answered Feb 12, 2016 ยท Author has 110 answers and 78.4k answer views

"Buddhism is neither a religion, nor a philosophy ... nor is it a way of life.

Buddhism is nothing more than the teaching of a Buddha."
Would you agree with his statement? ๐Ÿ˜‰


I practice Buddhist-ness; I meditate constantly, sometimes attend ceremonies at the temple with my Thai friends, but don't have any interest in following religious rules.

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