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For fans of the I Heart Radio Podcast "Stuff Mom Never Told You" the hosts have been coming out with episodes about the effects of Christianity on marginalized people. It's quite a break away from the usual topics they discuss.

Their target audience is female, and their usual topics are normally just current social issues and entertainment. So, these new episodes are quite a departure from their usual fare and I found them interesting to hear.

The subject of religion seems to be something one of the hosts really wants to get off her chest. It has been interesting to hear the perspective of someone who doesn't usually talk about religion at all, but is sharing her experiences.

I listen to the shows when the topics interest me. These segments did - and there are more to come in this series, since the host has a lot to say still.

I'm posting it on this site for anyone who might know of anyone who might find this topic interesting or is curious about how some immigrants fall into Christianity. The banter between the hosts gives breaks and levity in what seems to be a heavy subject for one of the hosts.

These podcasts might be of interest to friends or relatives going through some questioning of their own religious status? Each part 30-50 minutes long, including sponsor breaks. You can download the podcast on your phone, tablet, or listen on your computer.

Stuff Mom Never Told You

[] Part 1

[] Part 2

[] Part 3

[] Part 4

And more to come in future weeks.

For the other podcast episodes of different subject matter, by the same hosts, here's their main site, listing their most current episodes.


Julie808 8 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I also use the I heart program but only go to the classical stations. Soothing music is important to help equalize all the stressful news these days.

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