So far the Supreme court has decided to allow females a choice about ending- at least temporarily- a pregnancy-- what a bunch of nice guys....oh did I say temporary?
Do they even realize some people shouldn't entertain the idea of having a kid? There's too much involvement for too long a time (a lifetime). Dogs require lifetime commitments (10yrs average) and a lot of people can't even do that!!
Yes, I don't think that many lawmakers are in touch with the reality that many women face with abusive partners or family members. The women may know that their health, safety and indeed their life may be in danger with an intimate partner who does not want to become a parent, does not want a pregnant wife/lover or in cases of rape and incest where the trauma of being forced to name the perpetrator of the crime might also be dangerous to the victim.
There are lots of dirty secrets that could be handled in a more healthy way with reproductive health care and emotional care offered freely to those who need it, as well as preemptive education and support to stop some of these egregious acts toward children and women.