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UMC bishops request 2026 General Conference as hundreds more churches disaffiliate
To date, at least 2,804 churches have left the United Methodist Church since 2019, according to United Methodist News Service.


xenoview 8 May 9

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Discrimination, bigotry and intolerance. They are leaving because the don't want to include LGBT individuals. If the Federal government tells them to start paying taxes because of their discrimition policy, they will accept LGBT members. The mormon church suddenly had a message from god telling them to accept black people when the the Federal government threatened to make them pay taxes because of Discriminating against black people joining their church. Hit them in their pockets if you want change.


I will look forward to more churchs joining the exodus. Perhaps some will see the divisivness in religion and just sware off that foolishness.


Burn β€˜β€˜em all to the ground.


Nothing but a bunch of bigots. May their days be few on this earth....


Could be good news. Maybe those churches did not know the method. πŸ™‚ Many times they branch off and just start another church. .

There’s enough naive suckers for that to happen.

That's usually how it goes, the dissident groups breaks off and forms its own splinter group.

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