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GUILTY πŸ˜‚πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸΎπŸ˜†
5 million dollars compensation awarded.
Bring on more cases!!

Petter 9 May 9

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Oh, he'll whine and pout like the disgusting child he is...and he'll keep filing legal actions to delay the payment and it'll STILL be due!


He’ll never have to pay it


Will his anchor child still get to keep his duel citizenship granted under fraudulent means???

Trump=illegal PASSES.


Where's the poor orange thief going to steal 5 million? Sell a wife or two?

He could flog his story to the papers and Netflix - like a certain English bloke with an American wife.


Great big heavyweight cases to keep dropping on his toes!

... and preferably without access to toe caps.


There are so many cases soon to be coming to a head. This sets the course for the right direction. Guilty of so much.


About effing time one of these SOBs was held accountable for his actions.


She may never see it, but it has gotta bite him in the a$$.

He's already calling the trial unfair - having refused to even attend the court. Idiot!

@Petter Can you imagine how much quicker the verdict would have come if he HAD taken the stand in person? His recorded deposition was incriminating enough!

@Julie808 I reckon his lawyers instructed him to keep well away - preferably in a different country. (Scotland.)

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