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Atheists are too nice. The general attitude I encounter among non-believers amounts to "religious people can carry on with their religious nonsense, so long as they don't impose that bullshit on me." You know what? Fuck that. Beliefs aren't just these benign things in our heads. They affect reality. People who believe stupid shit, do stupid shit. The nonsense of Christian zealots influences everything in the U.S. The bullshit does, or will, impact you even if you shrug. Atheists need to actively fight religion at every turn. Rant, over. Comments?

One-eyed_Cat 3 May 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Not everyone is as passionate about overthrowing the status-quo as you are, and that's okay


My first thought was; "Hey. I'm a live-and-let-live kind of guy". Prayers, blessings, the quoting of scripture. ...... that stuff never bothered me. And to be honest, there were times I took comfort in it.

But now, things appear to be rapidly approaching a potential debacle, fueled by religious fanaticism.

The most disturbing example of this that I have personally, and repeatedly seen, is the rise to power of the Christian radicals in the USAF senior officer cadre. And to some extent, in the senior civil service ranks. A strategic (global) religious war (the next Crusade) is considered not only inevitable by these folks, but eagerly anticipated. And, these are the people with the keys to our nuclear arsenal.


The greatest enemy of religion is education. I agree with you in principle because religion is toxic, but too often people don't distinguish between the believer and the belief.

I believe people, not ideas or beliefs, deserve respect. There are two problems with that though. Many people cannot grasp that people and beliefs are not one in the same, and when someone believes something strongly; they identify with that belief and take any attempt to refute that belief as a personal attack.

JimG Level 8 May 3, 2018

I think it's possible to hold religious conviction, and do no harm to anyone (aside maybe from yourself). Maybe that case is rare, but in such a case, I say no victim, no crime. We don't have a duty to protect people from themselves. I think it's usually a good idea to try to educate people when possible, but we really only should be actively "fighting" the aspects of religion that cause damage to others. When theists try to outlaw abortion, or set up religious monuments in government spaces, it would probably be best to try to stop them. If they're teaching their children Phelps-style Christianity, it would probably be good to actively fight that (to the extent possible). But I don't think we have any obligation to try to convert the liberal hippie lady who believes god is love, and has no problem with gay marriage or abortion.


What I have discovered is that the devout zealots have no sense of humor.


I kind of agree but you can't change these people. we can change the children however with sites like this. teach them how to think and not what to think.


I don't see thought and beliefs as a dangerous thing. I see not drawing the line between belief and action to be the problem. It isn't the beliefs but the decision to act on those beliefs to the point of forcing it on others or violent behaviors that are.

Was it Voltaire who said "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."?

Either way, we cannot control a person's mind. There will always be differences in thought and belief. It's the behavior we as a society have to decide on. If it those involved do so consensually, so be it. But if people are acting out, forcing things on others, killing each other over it, that's where we are going wrong.

AmyLF Level 7 May 3, 2018

My impression from this website is that many Atheists are as arrogant and close-minded as the worst Christians. You're not as bad as some Muslims yet, because you haven't started murdering people for your atheist beliefs. But after reading your rant it wouldn't shock me if that happened also someday.


But that's the point. I don't care what someone believes inside themselves. It's when their actions occur that I start to object. When they interfere in politics or disseminate hate, that's an action and should not be tolerated.

As long as what they believe stays about them and makes them happy or accomplished good in the world (feeding people, etc), I'm okay with that, but when you start refusing certain treatments at your hospital because of your beliefs, I am loudly opposed.


The best way to fight them is in the voting booth, but posting information on your social media is good also, as it educates others.


Fighting is what turned me off to religion so why would I want to behave n the same ways that they did to get us here in the first place. Our whole entire system is corrupt. Our food, our education, our prisons, politics, where does the fighting end? What does it actually accomplish other than more divisions between us? The best way to "fight" the negative messages are to replace them with positive ones. Instead of fighting why not make some "truth" brochures and pass them out? Unless people come to their own understanding of why religion is harmful it will become an underground operation and we would then be the tyrants imposing our unbelief on others.
Too nice? Yeah being nice to others is the biggest reason I turned my back on religion. Too many rude, and arrogant "Christians" talking love and showing hate. I will live MY life showing compassion to even the "lost" and let them wonder how a non-religious person can be so kind. Unless people are drawn to the truth and come to their own understanding the changes will not be real and we would then become the tyrants imposing our non-belief on others. How is this right?

Well stated

I agree with Buzz, VERY well stated.

@buzz13, @AmyLF Thank you both! I appreciate the positive feedback.


Well the old 'as long as it does not bother me' thing had served us well. The danger comes when you force everyone to think in a certain way. That's why there was a lot of horror surrounding Cambridge Analytica and the Russian Collusion things


I agree with you. Religions are dangerous. They cause division, and excuse bigotry, sexism, racism in the name of their religion. It is not harmless free thought, there are consequences.


That's how a free and open society works.

I don't like organized religion either. I also don't like boy bands. They negatively effect my life every single day and contribute to the dumbing down of society as a whole.

But much as I can't stand boy bands and will always encourage others to develop more refined tastes, I will never call for the outlaw of boy bands at the point of a gun.

You'll be happy to know that there is indeed a place where religion is outlawed at the point of a gun. It's called North Korea. I wouldn't suggest moving there.

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