President Joe Biden said Thursday the risk of nuclear "Armageddon" is the highest it has been for 60 years after Russian President Vladimir Putin renewed his threats as his military retreats in Ukraine.
Weren't the pro-Russia people on this site saying that Russia was winning the war and it was going to be over soon? Now they're retreating? Interesting.
It's proparganda war, when we look at videos of Ukraine, we can see whole towns leveled with mostly energy gone. Are these videos fake? I don't know what is really in the minds of Globalist. I only trust in the collective consciousness of the people, not ever in the 1%.
@Castlepaloma That seems like a nonsense phrase, "a propaganda war". I bet it doesn't feel like propaganda to the innocent civilians dying in the fucking street. I bet it feels like an actual fucking war, waged by an actual fucking tyrant.
Have no doubt it's a horrible war led by Tyrants. Propaganda war is done by Tyrants telling people Ukraine is doing well fighting back wail 6 million referguee left. US and NATO are deeply at war with Russia. When these false flags attracts do get exposed, like the soon to be exposed Northstar pipeline
@Castlepaloma I've been hearing that bullshit for years, "Oh, you'll see, it's all about to come out!" You sound like that pillow salesman still talking about proof the election was stolen two years after but nothing ever comes to light. Do you have any reputable sources that say the war is going well for Russia?
I have friends in Russia that say so. if I did have real original proof that Russia are winning this war. I'm sure the US propaganda machine would ban any trace of this evidence. Some sneek through regardless, because truth runs a marathon. The US media is ranked 42nd out of 44 western nations as the worst untrustworthy news.
You constantly talk out of both sides of your mouth. Your "friends in Russia" are probably only allowed to watch Russian state media, so they'd be the least fuckin' trustworthy.
And you're "sure the US propaganda machine would ban any trace of this evidence" YET, "Some sneek through regardless." Well, which is it? The US government is so sly and powerful they'd get rid of any trace of your evidence, or proof would sneak through anyway?
I'm sorry, but I can't believe any talking points about how the most nuclear-prolific military in the world is kicking the shit out of another country when it's been 15 months since the invasion began and Russia has only taken a small fraction of Ukraine.
Most everyone has a cell phone and a camera. I've watched the private news podcast and watched some of big US most untrustworthy corporations news propaganda. Plus I contract work in Russia and worked in the US for 25 years. Russia makes much better sense and I will base my life on good sense. It's an economic war with Ukraine and Russia will win that war. US hasn't won a war since the Mexican war, and Biden has tripled the border crossing compared to Trump,. War solves nothing anyway.
@Castlepaloma So I guess no one can trust anything the see or hear anywhere. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Have fun being a Russian propagandist.
Russian and American are no better or worst than each other and people are generally good. I just don't give support to tyrant's on either side. The West are harming themselves more than anyone. The BRICS is just going in a better direction, so the tides have turned. Pure observation from experience being in both places. Vast majority of Americans have not had that experience of knowing both sides.
@Castlepaloma I guess you're the most delusional of all of us if you think people are generally good.
There is a massive shelling attrack from Russia on Ukraine right now.
With a crooked piece of crap like Biden in office the chances of nuclear war are much greater.
He might accidentally push the red button , thinking it's a lollipop
@Castlepaloma I know! Who can resist pushing lollipops??
Sometimes I wake up and think, "Today's the day I'm going to make it through the whole day without hearing someone say some profoundly stupid shit." I rarely even start my commute before I'm proved wrong. Thanks for that.
I thought it was pretty stupid to hide under my desk during a cuban nuclear bomb alarm went off. As an 8 year old kid I ask the teacher should I kiss my butt goodbye? Yes I was a smart ass. This threat from globalist puppeteers and the bumbling of Biden is more real now than 60 years ago. Allowing these power to be 1% to fear mongering everyone is the final wake up call before the world gets any dumber.
I predicted the American dallor collapse 15 years ago where the middle east, China and Russia BAIL. Larger than the BRICS has been turning away from the American petro dallor and fiat currency and US will not ever get it back. The nuclear US threat to Russia who won't back down This is like a game of chicken, ,can cost 100s of millions of lives. Or Unless we over throw the Government like many times in the pass human history.
SO, OK we are the 99%, let's GO!!!. Follow me, I'll be right behind you.
Or behind the god of darkness and chaos,