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I want to write about and share some information regarding mirror neurons. Did you know there are many different types of neurons? For example, one type in your eyes as opposed to another type in your brain cortex. Mirror neurons were only recently discovered in the 1990s. Not a lot is known about mirror neurons but more every day. They do as the name suggests. They mirror. Scientists believe mirror neurons are closely associated with empathy. People with high numbers of mirror neurons are what are known as emotional empaths or even heyoka empaths. According to my understanding of myself and my research into empaths, I am a heyoka empath.

I believe the discovery of mirror neurons does and will continue to explain many “extra perception” abilities some demonstrate. Here's a breakdown of types of empaths, more broad than most lists. Most academics narrow it down to half this list. []

“Scientists have theorised that mirror neurons allow understanding of the meaning of another’s actions, and constitute the neural basis of imitation learning and empathy.” []

Additionally here's a year old article in psychology today by, in my measure, one of the leaders in understanding all things empathy.
How the Brain's Mirror Neurons Affect Empathy
The relationship between empaths, compassion, and mirror neurons. []

FvckY0u 8 May 18

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