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Not approved by society? Become a Catholic priest.

St-Sinner 9 May 27

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If I were a Catholic priest, I'd be trying to get into the nun's habits,. They're probably feeling as sexually deprived as I'd be so I think there's a lot of potential action to be had between these two groups.

So why the f--k do they all seem to want little boys??

Monsterious things happen when Priest surpress natural sexual desire. Then it cums out on little boys or Nuns that don't want none, it's the devil that made me do it.


Think about it...


It could not have happened without the nuns pretending blindness. And some of them fondled kids too.


Kid fucking is what the Catholic Church is all about, the God thing is just a distraction.

Does the photo depict felatio practice or some other horrific ritual?

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