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Do you garden? If yes, what do you grow? Are you willing to share pictures? Gardening makes me happy! Being outside with my plants is so peaceful and relaxing.

This year I am growing strawberries, 3 types of tomatoes, red and yellow bell peppers, sweet banana peppers, yellow squash, watermelon, sunflowers, eggplant, and a mystery plant that is sprouting from a found bulb. Really curious to see what that will turn out to be.

If you don't garden, what are your happy & healthy hobbies?

JenBeberstein 8 May 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Flowers galore every year!



I love gardening, but am a bit late in the season to start anything. I do have purloined peppermint and pinching from a conservatory in Indianapolis...

You didn't read that about the pinching by the way...

@Holysocks absolutely didn't read that and didn't feel inspired to copy your methods!

@JBeberstein Hahaha! I'm glad to not be an influence!


Who'd have thought that at retirement, one of our really satisfying hobbies is "the garden". We've a butterfly/hummingbird habitat garden.
And a vegetable patch where we've an asparagus bed, herb garden, and lots of strawberry beds for jam. We grow tomatoes, peppers, and okra for sauces.

I love that you provide for the butterflies and hummingbirds! Homegrown food is so much tastier than store bought!


Strawberries raspberries beans peppers zucchini chives oregano basil cherry tomatos apples and grass

I cannot grow grass! The rest sounds delicious.

@JBeberstein why is it still illegal in california ?


My family always grows tomatoes (anything from cherry to beef), peppers (green, jalapeno, banana), we have a blackberry Bush that just gets bigger every year, and sometimes strawberries. We also do chives, 3 kinds of basil, and sage. You have a beautiful garden!

Thank you! Yours sounds pretty awesome.


Just getting started. Got my cayenne pepper plant and some rosemary. My son is putting in green beans, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, yellow squash. We can tomatoes and green beans, and I make pepper jelly.

I love pepper jelly! I am hoping to grow enough to start canning this year.


I have heirloom tomatoes under gro lights in my window. I'll transplant them in a month and irrigate them using clay ollas that I make on a potters wheel. And I might grow some row crops and furrow irrigate those.

That sounds awesome!

@JBeberstein thanks

@farmboy2017 I have done furrow irrigation in rows and also in less straight clusters when i had an area that ran cleanly downhill from the water supply, it worked out beautifully. I would love to see it after you set it up!

@JBeberstein I've been doing some drip irrigation for the past 15 years. I use different systems for different plots in my gardens. I'll post pics when I get it set up. Likely it'll be small.

Do your clay olla pots work like a French well ? Great pottery job , very consistent form . I've sometimes used gallon plastic jugs , put a few tiny holes in the bottom and planted them next to my plants , then fill the jugs when I'm watering so they'll have a slow drip to moisten the plants without all the water running away .

@farmboy2017 Thank you, I would love to see pictures.

@Cast1es I'd have to look up French well to see what that is. I'll do it and get back with you.

@Cast1es The French well is different. Ollas work by the principle of Osmotic Potential where water moves from areas of high pressure (wet) to areas of low pressure (dry). I had a FB page a few years ago where I posted alot of my garden stuff. If you want, I can message that to you if those pages are still in existence.


Over my many many years, I have often tried my hand at Gardening, and I always end up growing the same thing.

Dead Plants.

That doesn't sound very appealing, I'm sure I would give up after a few tries.

@JBeberstein I don't give up easily! This year, I plan to kill a few tomato plants!

@DerekD Tomatoes are the easiest! Water every evening after the sun is off the plants, give them plenty of sun, and kill any bugs that start eating the plant. If the temperature is going to be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit I also water in the morning before the sun is on the plants. Do you grow in containers or in the ground?

@JBeberstein I do my killing in containers. Last year, I had several nice, juicy tomatoes growing -did all the above; next day, they had withered and passed away.

@DerekD that really makes no sense to me. I know of no virus or fungus that could cause that. If the plant was missing down to the stem, I could suggest rats or rabbits or tomato hornworms. Withered overnight? I have no suggestion aside from poison. Does somebody hate you enough to murder innocent tomato plants?


I'd submit pictures if I knew how - I live in sheltered accommodation and we have nice grounds with an ancient walled garden I do a lot of digging and weeding and throwing seeds around- unhappily there is a guy here who has completely demolished a beautiful landscaped area and flattened it and imported a lots of stones - I like a richness of plant life not regimented areas.

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Nearly got arrested for my last grow.

Coldo Level 8 May 3, 2018

My grow is legal


I can't take credit for the big fan palm, it was here when we moved in. The little one grew from last year's seeds.


Ranier cherry trees planted in old beat up trash cans. They won't produce fruit until next year.


These are strawberries which started in one container last year and have spread to 3 others!


These are watermelon, eggplant, and tomatoes.


The red bucket is the mystery sprout from the found bulb. The rest are tomato plants started from the seeds of last year's tomatoes.

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