Up your's Putin!
India has achieved what Russia couldn't - a soft landing on the moon's South pole.
A World First
Feed your starving masses first Modi!
Britain is still giving aid to China.
@Petter If so…it shouldn’t be. But that doesn’t make my remark about India any less valid.
@Marionville By boosting its technology and with it higher paid jobs, India is far better placed to improve the problem.
Look at how many people in UK are in poverty.
Remember, "poverty" is comparative.
@Petter This current Tory UK government is a disgrace, we are a rich country with politicians making bad decisions regarding taxation and wealth distribution. It is purely a political choice to allow any UK citizen to live in poverty and have to make a choice between paying the rent and buying food, because the richest are not taxed commensurate with their ability to pay more. The working poor are often worse off than those in receipt of benefits, so it’s not the welfare system that is the problem but the policies of tax and remuneration. Bad as we are in the UK with regard to wealth disparity…it is nothing compared to the wealth disparity in India. India has a burgeoning educated middle class who are benefitting from jobs in India’s advanced technological sector and pharmaceutical, scientific & digital services industries. However the vast majority of India’s population living in the countryside, away from the big cities and the new wealth are still living in abject poverty, and in some cases are forced to sell their daughters into marriage or servitude which quite often amounts much the same thing.
The money doesn’t trickle down to poor people in either the U.K. or India, regardless of how wealthy and successful a country seems to be, indeed trickle-down economics has been proved to be a complete myth. It’s only the sheer scale of disparity that differs between the UK and India, but unless there is a determined political will to lift all citizens out of poverty and allow them a basic level of human dignity and security, this inequality will continue in both countries.
@Marionville Try telling that to a US republican. You'll be branded a fanatical communist.
@Petter Fuck them and all their ilk!
@Marionville Tell you what. I'll hold them and let you have the pleasure(?) of fucking 'em.
@Petter Metaphorically speaking…of course!