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Prayer was never taken out of school.

Anybody can pray anytime they want.

You just can’t coerce others to pray with you.

TheoryNumber3 8 Sep 3

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Something I needed to point out many times to the republicans I know.


I don't recall ever being asked to pray in school when I was a child. We did say the pledge of allegiance, but that's as close to prayer as we ever got, that I can remember.

Our public school lunch menu did have Fish Friday, to accommodate all the many catholic students, of which my family with 5 siblings were included in that. Otherwise, I don't remember much except the air raid drills where I suppose some students prayed we would never have to do this for real.

Sounds like what I experienced, those drills were strange. Don't recall ever feeling scared, I enjoyed the break from the normal boredom😏.

@silverotter11 Yes, they were just drills, like fire drills, for which we never had a fire, but the break was nice! When I got older, we no longer had air raid drills, but I had to furnish a map of the route I walked to school and back to the government, because my dad worked on top secret information (he designed missiles for Boeing) and they were afraid I might be kidnapped and traded for those missile plans. That was scary! Can't remember praying though, but I never walked the same route to/from school again!

@Julie808 YIKES! That would be scary! You grew up in the PNW?

@silverotter11 Yep! West Seattle.

@Julie808 That is one area of Seattle I never lived in. Here's the list. I moved a lot.

Greenlake and the far north end of the Greenlake area
Capitol Hill, 3 different apartments
Beacon Hill
University District east of the cemetary-shared a house
Ravenna-owned a house
Lake City

@silverotter11 Wow, you moved around almost as much as I did. Only place we might have crossed paths is Bellevue where I lived in the late 1970s-early 1980s. I worked at Bellevue Square and Crossroad's mall, after moving from Federal Way and before moving to Edmonds, Everett, Lynnwood and then Kauai. I used to love walking around Greenlake and the Burke Gilman Trail near Bothell. My daughter lives in Renton, so I'm there a lot. Attended a party at Jimmy Hendrix's grave there at the cemetary near my daughter's house, many many years ago! Still enjoy walking through that cemetary when I'm visiting.

@Julie808 I was in Bellevue in late 1975 - 1976. North of NE8th off 148th. I was working in Kirkland for a guy named Gary Schuster, he owned a couple of printing firms.


Goosey Goosey Gander (1784) Folk song for children , taught during the puritan era, mandated in education by the C of E, refers to hunting and killing unconverted Catholics

Goosey goosey gander,
Whither shall I wander?

Upstairs and downstairs,
And in my lady’s chamber.

There I met an old man,
Who wouldn’t say his prayers,

So I took him by his left leg,
And threw him down the stair.



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