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Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts | ZeroHedge


"FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers 'stop' taking medicine," U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett . Jct: Finally, a good judge

EU Labels Anyone Calling For Peace A "Kremlin Propagandist", Hungarian Minister Exclaims | ZeroHedge []

So the Russians are pro-Peace and the West is pro-war. [SmartestMan.Ca] is right.

US To Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Munitions | ZeroHedge


Count on the US Evil Empire to play dirty.

1patriot 8 Sep 3

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A conspiracy theory spreading website is not a reliable source.


U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett's statement asserts that while the FDA can provide information and advice to consumers, it lacks the authority to recommend that individuals stop taking certain medications. The judge's ruling suggests that some people may struggle to accept this fact or may have different expectations from the FDA. you only have to look at what the judge says your news source that you prefer just isn't saying any thing so is that better lol

@1patriot Correct. The FDA won't tell you to NOT take horse tranqualizers or to inject bleach into your body or eat lava but it will provide information on why it might be a bad idea to do any of those things. But morons are allowed to have free will. You can stick an elephant suppository up your backside if you wish but neither myself nor the FDA would recommend it.

@Charles1971 your right but your likely shoving shit up your ass any way.... Ivermectin won the noble prize in 2015 as the safest drug on the market for human consumption. world wide but your pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know that. []

@1patriot What does "safest drug on the market for human consumption" have to do with it being an effective treatment for Covid? I could list things a mile long that are safe for human consumption but won't actually cure or treat anything (aside from maybe hunger).

@Charles1971 because india give it free to all their people and covid death's were un heard of i just assumed you read that but your not getting the news


I have no time for the intellectual cripples who believe all that nonsense about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine being effective against Covid-19.

Like the Pfizer innoculation stopped Covid? That sort of intellectual cripple?

Neither have I. Of course, you might say these people most likely did not have worms if they took a horse wormer. They could try the Trump method of injecting bleach to kill Covid. BTW, why would anyone think any innoculation stopped Covid?

@DenoPenno i have been on chlorine dioxide for the last six months i ain't dead you just keep doing the cool aid you will be fine Mr Security guy.

@DenoPenno well my intellectually crippled brain believes that the polio vaccine has largely eliminated polio just as the smallpox vaccine has largely eradicated smallpox. Is it unreasonable to believe that any covid vaccination should also eradicate the disease.


wonder if the old heifer was calling out anti-ivermectin post

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