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If he say yes, you should look for a new doctor

1patriot 8 Sep 6

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Anything that you eat could have potential side effects. People become ill or die from eating peanuts, fish, strawberries, dairy, corn, wheat, eggs, etc. Yes, pretty much all drugs have potential side effects but sometimes the side effects are a better alternative than the illness that is being treated. Chemotherapy has side effects but it can eliminate cancer in your body. Throwing up a blanket statement about drug side effects is extremely short-sighted and misleading.

that's your opinion you should read the 32 Pages than i would but most times they don't tell you prefer to use the natural cure or remedy to look after any illness as all synthetics drugs are base off the natural cures and remedies but your learning that the pharmaceutical industry says a cured patients is a lost customer LOL

@1patriot Whether or not something is man-made or natural tells you absolutely NOTHING about whether it is safe or harmful to consume.

@Charles1971 yes so you believe the drug ,
manufacture...... before you you believe the natural cure... that's your right, want tell they tell you they can't do any thing...... than go for the natural cure....hope it works good for you

@1patriot I'll go with the one that has been scientifically proven to work and has millions of successes as evidence.

@Charles1971 i hope your taking all the booster too, you know the science they used to roll out the covid vaccine that safe and effective. and now they are telling what? []

@1patriot Wow! You have broken this thing wide open by posting a meme from Facebook. You should write a book on your monumental discovery. I bet there's a Nobel prize just waiting for you. Certainly a Facebook meme is more than enough to counter the collective scientific and medical community.

And yes, I got a Covid booster about 2 months ago. So far, I have never gotten ill from Covid or from receiving the vaccine.

@Charles1971 ok than you show me your peer review on the safe and effective use of the Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

@1patriot Nah, I don't have time. You go look it up. But its odd that you demand peer reviewed data on the Covid vaccine but accept Facebook posts as the truth. Where I come from we call that "hypocritical".

@Charles1971 because there are none that's why!





But I'm sure you'll casually disregard anything that I post. Meanwhile, you've yet to post even a single iota of evidence to support your claim. All you seem to have is Facebook memes and I'm sure that's all the "proof" you need.

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