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Building 7
Many have forgotten and it’s time to wake up before they kill us all
you liberals want to call in conspiracy theory...but it conspiracy fact..... the CIA made up the words conspiracy theory in the sixties to hide the shit that they's work on this bunch right here!

1patriot 8 Sep 9

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So how long have you been a member of the Flat Earth Society anyhows…..🤠

i don't believe your flat earth theory but the government wants you too....i am just telling you to not believe every thing your corporate media and government is telling you.....

@1patriot You’re trying to sell conspiracy theory videos to a bunch of chronic READERS…..and you’re coming across as ignorant as you are…..🤷🏻♂️

@Buck you brought up your flat earth theory not me

@1patriot Referring to your post Snowflake…’re beyond stupid, and are getting blocked because you’re a waste of precious air and time…..🤷🏻♂️

@1patriot Certainly if you believe all the other conspiracy theories you post, you would believe in flat earth theory?! Why wouldn’t you……🤨

You’re too ignorant and stupid to know you is ignorant and stupid, fact…..🤠

People have even fact checked this bullshit post for you right on this thread, and you’re still on here promoting the ignorance…’re beyond help, another fact….😉

@Buck fuck i was hoping there was a block on here you fucking idiot.....thank you i won't have to here you preach your shit!

@1patriot Now I’m the one preaching the shit eh, you’re a real fucking comedian….🤠

@1patriot I see you chose not to state where you got your education from on your bio…..I’m guessing you graduated from Trump University…..☺️

@Buck where did you get you indoctrinated from as babbling idiot university that doesn't make you smarter as mater of fact your stupid and it shows

@1patriot Get back to me when your able to write above 3rd grade level, thx……🙃


The building fell because of fires caused by the collapse of the twin towers. Water to the sprinkler system had been cut off in the collapse also so the fires were not contained and eventually caused the buckling of steel support beams.
But that's too boring an explanation for nutty conspiracy theorists.

the only sky scraper build any where in the world that has clasped since that date or every before that American must be building shit building.....these building are made of steel and concrete just think about....your government and your media are lying to you!

@1patriot Firstly I am not American and yes even in the Uk we construct shit buildings

@Moravian you your right you guys are shitty at construction!


I don't know why i bother enlightening ignorant people like you as you seem to be incapable of understanding simple facts . Please read the attached link and forget your idiotic conspiracy theories.

@Moravian You’re implying he can be enlightened, which isn’t gonna happen because that would require him actually reading something…..👀

@Moravian the jet fuel burns fast as i have started lots of fires over the year. if you look at the fire in England 2017 grenfell it burnt for 60 hours not 5-6 hours {World Trade Center} and that building did not collapse. there are many fire in sky scrappers over the years none of them collapsed. Only one that did was world trade centre.

have you tried to heat steel up red hot with a torch you must always keep the flame on the metal piece your trying to bend it needs to be cherry red hot not only that, the way the building come down they all need to be cherry red hot at the same time....the #7 building was what 100ft for the other buildings that collapsed there's no way it could heat that up enough to weaken the build....eye witness say they could hear explosives going off on all these building as they collapsed the same way they did in Las Vegas, when they take down an old casinos. we pulled about 70 wooden grain elevators down around Saskatchewan you dig out one side and it would fall over. these building would have fallen over but it was a planned demolition


Blah blah blah, more idiotic nonsense from an idiot. Don’t you have anything better to do than look stupid…..🤠

if you used your full potential of you brain, you will know that 16 gauge aluminum will not cut through steel gridders that are 12" wide and 24" deep but i can tell you just watch the corporate news media who lies to you you believe there's no god, but you do believe everything thing your news media and government is telling you your not very interesting Bic

@1patriot I don’t watch television Snowflake! I “READ”, what part of that don’t you understand!? I haven’t been brainwashed like you….🤠. I DON’T WATCH SHIT ANYWHERE ANYTIME!!! I READ A FUCK OF A LOT THOUGH…..😊
You should consider giving up WATCHING shit, and try READING!
Until you do you will always remain a conspiracy theory nutter…..🤷🏻♂️

@Buck oh no your a fucking scholar, every more stupid than before so the aluminum did cut through the steel beams when the planes didn't hit the fucking towers... is that what you fucking read bic!

@1patriot Yes, my education made me more stupid, kind of like your heightened ignorance makes you a genius!?🤠

@1patriot On second thought, I’m gonna keep you around!! You make me look smarter every time you comment!!☺️

@Buck well scholar you better start reading than cause i work with steel and alum

@1patriot Is that so….where did you acquire your civil engineering degree?! Cuz we both know they don’t offer those at Trumpy Dumpy U…..🤠

@1patriot You’re just annoying and boring at this point with your ignorance……😒

@1patriot Why no profile pic anyhow?! I’m guessing it’s because you look as stupid as you is…..🤠

@Buck spelling mistake as {stupid as you is} what the fuck your fraud fuck off you must of fail your schooling lol. acting like child grow up!


Anybody who believes that is an imbecile. Just like those flat earthers, pizzagaters, weather weaponeers, think Sandy Hook was staged, moon landing was fake and anybody stupid enough to pay for Greg Reese's Substack.


Anybody who believes that is an imbecile. Just like those flat earthers, pizzagaters, weather weaponeers, think Sandy Hook was staged, moon landing was fake; All a bunch of simple minded mental defective motherfuckers.

your shuddering

@1patriot I don't shudder, I just don't believe stupid bullshit from retards.

@barjoe so keep you eyes close i don't care just like you don't care they will lie to you and lie to you and you just take it all in like a big dummy!


Of course there are true conspiracies. Donald Trump has been indicted on four felony counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States and witness tampering, for his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. He and his cohorts are being held accountable for those crimes right now.
However, there are some conspiracy theories that are ludicrous, only a blithering idiot would believe such nonsense. These conspiracy theorists offer no evidence and their theories are against facts, reality, truth, science and even common sense.

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