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This one picture explains flat earth better than any words can. But for those who don’t get it, I’ll explain in tedious verbal detail below. I used to ski every winter and one of my favorite mountains is Whistler / Blackcomb. At Whistler the highest lift access is over 2km above sea level. That’s where the best double blacks are. But for all the times I stood atop Whistler or Blackcomb on a sunny day, I wasn’t able to touch the sky or the sun for that matter. Not once.

Since I haven’t touched the sky yet, not even with my ski pole, the sun and the sky must be more than 2 kilometers above sea level.

If the earth is flat, and the sky is greater than 2 kilometers above me, daytime ANYWHERE on the earth should be visible from ANYWHERE on the earth. The sun over 2 kilometers above my head in whistler should be visible from London and Dubai on a flat earth — even in the middle of the night. And if the sun over Whistler isn’t visible in New York, because of clouds or whatever, at least the blue daytime sky should be…right? ‘cause the earth is flat?

So if it is nighttime in Tokyo, 16 hours ahead of Vancouver, you should still be able to see the daytime sky on the west coast of America, especially if you are at the top of Tokyo Tower 333 Meters above sea level. No one’s made that observation yet.

(The best explanation I’ve had from a flat earther is there’s some kind of moving curtain that no one has ever run into, which stops people from seeing the daytime sky in places where it’s supposed to be night.)

Another way to put it for people who think oceans have some kind of moving veil that blocks daylight is to use an example that stays on land. Let’s use Canada, because it crosses 4.5 time zones.

Halifax, Nova Scotia — where I went to medical school at Dalhousie University — is 4 hours ahead of Vancouver in Pacific Standard Time. Today Sunset was at 7:32 PM Atlantic time which is 3:32 PM Pacific Time.

So at 7:33PM in Nova Scotia on the Atlantic, the sun is below the horizon and not visible. But at 3:33 PM in Vancouver, on the Pacific, it is about midway between Zenith (at the 49th parallel) and the horizon. Given that the sun, if it is anywhere over my head, is more than 2,000 meters above me (because I never been able to touch it with my ski pole while standing on a 2 kilometer high ski hill), how come no one in Halifax is able to see the Pacific sun at 3:35PM PST after sunset on the Atlantic? Isn’t the earth supposed to be flat?

In fact a “flat earth” would mean that a visible sun 2 kilometers high in the sky in Vancouver would be visible after sunset across Canada even in every time zone.

Some flat earthers still can’t get it.

Is the 3rd time the charm?
Going by what I wrote in “Part 1: Psyop?” a 3rd explanation probably won’t work either.

Part 1: Psyop?
SEP 10
Read full story
But what the heck… I’ll try it anyway.

Especially for people who exercise their 2A rights, doing geometry to get out of any flat belief system is important. As an ER doctor, I think it is a life or death matter that people who control projectiles know geometry. (And flat earth definitely is an insult to trigonometry.)

If the first two explanations above fail to dispel the deception, and flat earthers religiously stick to their story of a magic curtain that appears only at dusk and dawn, blocking the daytime sun from being seen in different time zones after sunset…how about we stay in just 1 time zone.


That’s a video from the south pole of a 24hr sun. Flat earthers don’t get this video. And if you ask them to draw it out on a piece of paper, they universally refuse.

(One deflection I constantly get from flat earthers is that nasa videos are all faked, the nasa pictures are all faked, and this is all because the moon landing was faked. They never consider the possibility that their own flat earth photos or videos are also faked.)

Having never been to either pole, I have never observed a 24 hour sun. But I’ve come close, and I have observed an almost 24 hour sun with my own eyes in Athabasca Alberta.

When I observed the “almost” 24 hour sun, it was always low in the Southern sky. The sun was there in the south past 10pm, and back before 5 am. So how come 650 kilometers south from Athabasca at the 49th parallel — the southern border of Canada, where most Canadian cities lie — no one can see the 10pm sun that I can see in northern Athabasca?

How can the sun suddenly becomes invisible at 10pm in Lethbridge, 650 km south of Athabasca while it is still visible at 10pm in Athabasca?

I haven’t met a flat earther yet explain this logically with a flat piece of paper and a pencil. Nor have I ever met anyone in Calgary or Edmonton who accidentally walked through the magic flat earth curtain that blocks the northern 10pm Athabasca sun from being visible in north Calgary or Red Deer.

I hope people had fun disassembling the Flat Earth psyop. Make your own observations on the behavioral similarities and differences with “No virus” cultists. There’s a lot of observations to be made in the comments of both:

(Whoever drew this please let me know in the comments (if you want to be known). Or if you have copyright and want me to take it down message me at



1patriot 8 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 15, 2023

Maybe you have to flip it, like a pancake twice a day

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