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Makes perfect sense

St-Sinner 9 Sep 15

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Believers hate the words responsibility and accountability.


I sorted that out in my teens. I had quit going to church when I was 12 but it wasn't until I was around 15 that I truly understood nobody but me is gonna sort me out.
That thinking is part of the last fight I had with my twin, we are literally 180 out from each other, so it's not big a deal.

That's great. Hinduism converted me to atheism fast on its own. I did not have to read arguments against religion. Not much was available about anti-religion or atheism at the time. There was too much religion around me in the society, although none at home. That did the job but it came later to me than it did to you. I was dumbly following traditions, not doing myself but just tagging along with others until 18.

There was a man many decades ago whose story was he hit people with a stick if they spent time doing gods. He said clean up your home, streets, stay clean. After his death, they made him a saint and built his temples. This stupidity was beyond comprehension.


Makes perfect sense.... in the "age of narcissism" (Christopher Lasch)

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