Going Nuclear with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Unpopular opinion here, Just because Neil Degrasse Tyson is a well educated person doesn't mean we should use him as a spokesperson or representative for atheism. Because he has the tendency to be one of the most pretentious condescending assholes that ever existed.
His twitter is amazing evidence that he wakes up every morning and says to himself "How can I let these peasants know just how goddamn great I am today?"
There's much better representatives for intelligence and atheism that don't remind people of how smart they are so persistently.
In the time line of human development we are not that far from the days in London when residents dumped their night soil pots out the window on to the streets below.
Can we please solve the problem of the waste from nuke power????
I'm just thinking about the nuclear waste in my own country which still hasn't been buried because of arguments. No one wants it buried near them.
Nuclear waste stays dangerous for a million years too, so multiple generations after us are going to be saddled with the responsibility of keeping it safe.
We need fusion! Along with solar, wind, geothermal, etc., but fusion would be a great help!