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Anybody into The The?

Misstressn 3 May 4

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Mind Bomb is a great album. (And not just because Johnny Marr plays on it.)


This is The Day is the only song by The The that I can recall. Maybe it's a UK thing but that is all I remember - great song though!


Yes, used to be one of my favourite bands.


Hells yes. A great band.


I only vaguely remember them from the '80s, and at that time, they weren't really my thing. I just Googled them and I'm surprised they're still around! Watched The Beaten Generation (which I hadn't heard before) on YouTube and I love it! That song is very much still relevant! I"m going to have to look into them more. Thanks for the tip!

They're still around? I'll need to check them out!

@Lukian Right? I figured they'd be a flash in the pan, but when I Googled them, they're still around! I like them better now than I did back in the 80's, too.


I kind of like Vitas!

When Vitas takes over you- VITAS - "7th element" (MEMES in Public)

Got out of bed this morning at 5, poured a cup of coffee, opened the laptop...and found THIS! What a great way to start my day! LOL!!!!!


"Infected" was the soundtrack to a particularly awesome summer in my teens.
"I was going through the motions - faking the emotions - wriggling around like a lizard in a tin"


Sorry. Maybe if you posted your favourite piece by them?

@germangirl90439 Thank you. Not at all what I expected. I'm very glad I asked for a sample. I especially like the flute.


The what now?

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