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Allegations of heinous abuse against students, including rape, prolonged solitary confinement, and denial of basic needs, from 1987 to 2014,

In a groundbreaking settlement, the now-closed Miracle Meadows Christian boarding school in West Virginia has agreed to pay $100 million following allegations of heinous abuse against its students, including rape, prolonged solitary confinement, and denial of basic needs, from 1987 to 2014, operating under the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The unsettling claims also include allegations that some students were impregnated post-assault and subsequently underwent abortions, while others contracted sexually transmitted diseases.

The disturbing chain of events leading to its closure began when a student consumed a cleaning product and, during treatment, pleaded for aid against the school's abuses.

Attorney Jesse Forbes remarked on the chilling revelations: “The abuses suffered by these children wouldn’t be believed in a Stephen King novel.”
This settlement is the largest of its type in West Virginia's history.

Amazingly NO ONE has been held responsible or arrested, with the sole exception of School co-founder Susan Gayle Clark pleaded guilty to child neglect charges and was sentenced to six months in jail and five years of probation.

The lawsuit was filed against Clark, the Columbia Union Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventists, Mountain View Conference Association of Seventh Day Adventists, and the North American Division of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
In an answer to the lawsuit, the named defendants denied all of the allegations.

Last week, the victims' attorneys announced that settlements against the former school now totaled $100 million in what is believed to be the largest settlement of its kind in West Virginia.
Effectively bringing an end to the matter and the dropping of all charges, along with a previous $52 million settlement was reached in 2020.

How do churches keep getting away with this evil shit, and keep being allowed to buy their way out of responsibility for the actions of their employees?

LenHazell53 9 Oct 2

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Part of the reason they keep getting away with it is their Sheep followers. In most religions blindness and ignorance are essentials and often encouraged.

I even wonder if churches still have those ‘Poorboxes’.



I’m not surprised no one was held accountable.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 2, 2023

long sad story of churches/mosque etc across the globe

Had a FB friend claim "Those were the works of men not god" but then God never showed up to stop it did he.

If those are his representatives, I think you might fair better with old Nick! Creepy bastards getting tax right offs for their pious behavior. Social clubs for the superstitious should not enjoy tax breaks.

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