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Anyone do yoga? My wife brought a yoga mat home for me yesterday. It's 24W × 80L × 6mm thick. I love it. I have a fast on setting osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) and lots of nerve damage so yoga is a major part of my health.

Adorkable 6 May 4

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It's been 28 years since my doctor diagnosed my osteoarthritis . For me , it's a slow spreading disease , but , even though they recommend light exercise , I've only found that makes things worse . I would suggest swimming as it's no impact exercise to help give some muscle exercise , without so rapidly destroying your joints ,

6 or 7 years ago I moved to a new location and started regularly attending the pool. ... until a stalagmite started growing out of my ear. It took about 6 months to get rid of it and I havent been back since.


Not yet; but you're encouraging my taking up the habit. Have looked into various mats (mostly on Amazon). Would/do you endorse yours for size, make/model?

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