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This atheist hero opposed organized religion. Madalyn Murray O'Hair challenged the prayer in school and won in court in 1962.

Tragically in 1995, she, her son and granddaughter were kidnapped and dismembered in damned Texas.

I enjoyed this full debate, watch! Austin, Texas now has atheist TV. I visited the studio many times

St-Sinner 9 Oct 8

Enjoy being online again!

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According to the movie, she was killed because people wanted to get the money she had raised promoting Atheist causes.

I don't know how accurate the movie was:


BD66 Level 8 Oct 8, 2023

The film was fairly accurate. O'Hair was killed for money by a man named Waters that she hired to manage all of her atheist money raising affairs. Her son Billy was an alcoholic who eventually became a preacher and now works to "get prayer back in schools." This is the part that gets me. I'm 77 years old and do not remember prayer in schools. Others I went t school with claim they do remember prayer. The best I remember on prayer in school is "those who want to can now have one minute of silent prayer." Everybody did not bow their heads. If this is all O'Hair had removed from schools I do not see why people were so angry.

@DenoPenno That was like a bee's nest the evangelicals kept kicking and wanted a focal point for their antipathy. She was their girl, their mental punching bag.. Sad ending to a brave life.

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