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I usually scroll right on by anything from these clowns, but squatters running a strip club was too much to pass up!!?!! 🍿

Aaron70 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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So he can legally refuse to pay because he never had a rental agreement. WTF?

Many states have squatters rights here. The laws very from state to state so be careful who you let sleep on your couch and for how long, lol….


Another episode from "BIZARRO WORLD"
How did we get here???????

Squatters rights are on the books in many states, and have been so for some time. I learned about squatters when I took BLAW II back in the 90s.
We are definitely seeing an uptick in cases though in recent years…..πŸ‘€


The perfect Fox News story. LOL


Ditto what @Fernapple said

The link should be up now?! πŸ€”

@Buck Thanks πŸ™‚


there is a link intended perhaps ?

Yes sir, hopefully I corrected that…..πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

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