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GOP Admins Had 38 Times More Criminal Convictions Than Democrats, 1961-2016:

Druvius 8 Oct 20

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I had an exchange on FB regarding this discrepancy with a GOP idiot. It went roughly thus.
GOP idiot; "It's because the judicial system is left-wing biased"
Me: 38 times more biased?"
GOP idiot; "Yes all the judges are left-wing"
Me; "In that case, you need to have more rich white judges. Maybe you should campaign for some form of affirmative action to get more rich white folks into Ivy League schools. Perhaps you could contact BLM and get some tips?"
GOP idiot; "I'm not contacting BLM! (SOH bi-pass evident) Ivy League schools are all left-wing training grounds anyway"
Me; "Yes! Who could forget the graduating class of 22 Harvard Law marching arm-in-arm, blazer buttons glistening in the sun as they sang "The Internationale" skewing high-paid corporate jobs for public defenders and NAACP jobs"

Around this point I think they realised I was taking the piss and left the thread.

@Druvius Bush Snr had some integrity (well as much as an ex-CIA chief could have). If the corruption is evenly spread, then the GOP guys are just plain dumb and get caught more. How many times has Trump been taped saying incriminating shit? You would not catch your local weed dealer stoner saying half the things he has out loud.


That is because when Dems have scandals or commit crimes, it is usually involving some sex scandal or maybe some smaller accepting of bribes, etc., while when Repubs commit crimes, it usually involves some sort of abuse of their power as an elected official, or trying to subvert the election system.

38 times more??


This is true and easy to find and check out. The problem is that true Republicans think it is fake news. Their social media comes from a different page.

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