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The major contributor of the ills in the world is our constant growth economic system. Overpopulation used to be understood by many but enter corporations and things will change, often for the worse. Now there are cries of how the world will crash if our numbers start to fall. It’s often referred to as, ‘the birth dearth.’ In my last posting from the overpopulationproject has come a link to another aspect of where we are today, how we got there and where it will lead.

jackjr 7 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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And what's a solution that can be implemented?

Recognize the system is broken and work toward changing it. There has been a group of economists who have advocated for a major change from constant growth economy to a steady state economy. That is where we are heading but very slowly as the business world is very conservative and slow to change (The retro VW almost didn't get created as it was seen as too much of a risk. We have got to ratchet down the fertility rates in the world (and there are non-violent ways to do this). For years true environmentalist have said we recognize the warning and take positive action to make changes peacefully or nature will do it for us. So far nature is winning because we are soooo stupid and greedy.


The Palestinians the article references never mentions how all the concrete used to build schools and hospitals gets diverted to build the Hamas tunnel networks, nor the difficulty in allowing Gazans to participate in Israel's economy when they periodically use that trust to map out their next attack or use suicide bombers to kill civilians. The article is an excellent example of the agitprop Iran has been buying for decades.

There are major issues on both sides. However, the treatment of Israel toward the indigenous people, the Palestinian is one sided. Still, as per the article all these issues are only a part of the problem and a large and increasing population in a small, resource poor area is the main cause. This should be a lesson for all of us as this is what happens when we start to run out of basic resources. One can even see this among other, non-human species. Population demographics is a science but it is not that complicated.


So how many families do you know who have 3 or more children. I see Catherine (Kate) and William have 3. I read about the need to limit to 2 children per two adults or one each. Up around me the Christians seem to feel that 3 is the minimum.

It's not about how many I know (I only have one). It's about paying attention to the rest of the world.

@jackjr I read that in 1970 when we were half the world population.

@rogerbenham Around the turn of this century globally the world was increasing by some 100 million net a year. Now it is down to 80 million (net). It's gone down but at the present rate we will hit the 9 billion in 12 years. This is not something to celebrate.

@jackjr Certainly not. At some point food production will fall to drastic levels due to improper agriculture, climate change moving leaf life north, or South in Southern Hemisphere. We know that migration due to crop failure is going to be an ever increasingproblem. Am I living far enough North to excape the USA migration into Canada. Super wealthy have been buying up around here, though not living here.

@rogerbenham Imagine living on an island in a scenic and unique archipelago (Canada has the Gulf Islands) and not being able to make a ferry reservation to attend some function, because the system is booked with short term visitors.

@jackjr Yes, very annoying. Great if your living is enhanced by them. Ferryies are highly subject weather. Waits can be as much as 4 hours. Up here weather is a huge factor going to Haida Gwaii.

@rogerbenham We also have waits but usually from a ferry breaking down or a crew member gets sick and the minimum of crew is not present which means a shut-down. Weather is pretty benign here so those shut downs are not common. It can get rough and often people are told to remain in their seats but even that is rare.

@jackjr Yes, well, the Hecate Straight is something else. the North and North West of it is deep water whilst the bit close to the Island is quite shallow.


Very good article. Thanks for posting!

Thanks for reading. You seem to be an exception as most simply want to bury their head in the sands of the river in Egypt. Of course we already knew you were an exception!?

@jackjr As are you kind sir! Complicated situations are not easy to understand but break it down and it becomes a bit easier. That said, I've no eggs left and never wanted to use them when it was a viable option. Get people educated! Educated people make such better choices.

@silverotter11 Funny but I have a life coach who I see once a month. We were talking about 'chemistry' and she mentioned she is way past her child bearing stage and wonders how chemistry works at that stage. To me nothing changes. The urge to procreate for all animals doesn't subside at a given point. My point was that a relationship must be based on knowledge not some gut feeling. You'd think people would have learned by now but evidently not.

@jackjr I may not have wanted to actually procreate but working out all the details of how sure was fun!!! hahahahaha
I am 0 for 2 in the long terms of relationships and I did try to balance my head and my gut feelings on both go rounds. Relationships are like everything else complicated and messy but fun when everything clicks.

@silverotter11 My daughter was an oops baby. We were both in school and living on a small income. Still, I do not regret having her in my life. I am 1 for 4. But that 1 taught me some valuable lessons. Relationships take work which often mean a bit of humility and understanding that compromise can be for the greater good. Absolutely, when everything clicks it can be very rewarding.

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