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Gee, another 'high ranking' freemason in the midst of another 'vaccine' hoax. Smallpox was caused by the jabs. Sounds familiar.

The smallpox epidemic while Beaugrand was mayor of Montreal put English and French speaking citizens against each other. As the smallpox epidemic spread, English speaking members of the city government and various English speaking newspapers in the city began to blame the epidemic on French speaking citizens, calling them unclean and the source of the disease. Eventually mandatory inoculations are required in the city. French speaking citizens refuse to be vaccinated. This leads to violence around the city. English speaking newspapers are attacked, windows are shattered and conflicts erupt around the city.

The smallpox epidemic takes place at the same moment the Riel Affair begins. Louis Riel is the leader of the Métis people.

1patriot 8 Oct 30

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