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And you let others define words like God for you. Silly atheists.

FvckY0u 8 Oct 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Have you NEVER had the bad feeling that you do not trust your own feelings? You should share your feelings with someone you trust(even more than one if possible) if my first sentence applies to you. Science is a system of sharing even your feelings with someone else - of course asking the right questions subsequently. Just get happy with the science process . You Can do it. end spiritual time wasting???

@FvckY0u I am not trying to take away your trust in yourself but if one insists on not sharing then there is usually something that would be better aired with someone else ..........of course someone with good EMPATHY [not SYMPATHY]

@FvckY0u James O’Brain

The post thatwas in this place has been removed by Mcfluster because it was not meant for this place .
It is the setting up of a Q&A device for religion Vs Science and it can be seen in the group that he runs i.e None religious science teachers Any age of pupil.

@FvckY0u You are extremely quick in your response But the James OBrain was not meant to go on this thread but in My Science teachers space - see above for correction.

@FvckY0u Thank you for that explanation . Things are becoming clearer. I never thought you lied


I define god in many ways, most of which, most people, would not agree with. For example.

  1. God is a synonym for the fallacy of, proof by authority.

  2. God is a different god for everyone, because god is name everyone gives to their unfulfilled desires.

3, God is called Narcissus, because it is what people mean when they want to claim to be special.

  1. God is anything in which you place an unsupported belief.

Atheists usually have a few gods each.

@FvckY0u Yes that is true.
Which fits with my own personal god, which fits definition four, is "Appreciate". Defined as, to Explore, to find, and to learn to love what you find.


We believe there is no god; as such no one defines anything for us. The only acceptable definition is "nothing".

@FvckY0u I made no such refusal. Get off drugs.

@FvckY0u Your arguments are totally specious, and your last reply certainly does not reply to anythig I said, it only exposed your strange mind.


Yes very silly.

How do you define God and stymie others defining it for you?


What is your definition of god?

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