2 9

Love FFRF billboards, if I had lots of money, I would extend it to other religions coming from other lands to the U.S. and also take FFRF to other countries.

It is the single most cause that will reduce more misery in the world IMO.

Reduce religion and there will be less conflicts, less blood shed, less hatred, less of child abuse, less spousal abuse, less poverty, less exploitation, less slavery, less disparity, less illegal money washed through places of worship and even less hospitals, less Red Cross, less ambulances and less of evil everywhere. Because what will always ring true is - No God, No Evil, Know God, Know Evil.

Religion giving us charity, hospitals is all smoke and mirrors to paint their god and cause noble and divine - which they are not.

St-Sinner 9 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I've never come up with an answer to what we trust in god for or to do what.

Good question. Sounds like a good conversation starter with believers, if I ever want to give myself a head ache.


One of these days, I'll submit my own banner/billboard. I admire all the people who have done these FFRF ads. 🙂

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