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How do I define God? To me the words “God” and “the Universe” are exactly the same thing. We don't view the Universe as a parental figure, a judge, nor give it human qualities. This is how I define God. So to me the words are interchangeable. The definition of God most people use simply doesn't work for me.

How one defines God is how one will view God. I refuse to allow anyone to define God for me. You should too.

FvckY0u 8 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I just told you my definition of "God". What makes you think yours is more valid, or that you have a right to say mine is wrong? I didn't question yours. Believe what you will, and kindly allow me my own interpretation. I don't see any need to discuss it any further. I am 76 years old and have been an agnostic all of my adult life.

@FvckY0u Peace.


Here's my definition of "God"

God is a concept, and a name we give to that which we do not understand, and the subject of many symbols, none of which has a claim to exclusivity.

@FvckY0u I didn't invent the word, but I have just as much right to use it as anybody, even when referring to my definition. Anyway, the pronoun refers to anybody who uses the word "God" in any context they choose. You may use it in yours, if you wish. Picky, picky!

@FvckY0u I see no point in arguing semantics. What I said is my opinion. Take it or leave it.


Would you have a problem calling nature 'Mother Nature'? Just curious.

Mother Nature: nature personified as a creative and controlling force (possibly as a parental figure) affecting the world and humans.

Ryo1 Level 8 Nov 12, 2023

God is undefinable because it is not known, it is a belief.
Knowledge requires facts, belief only needs faith.
Knowledge can be defined because knowledge is science. Beliefs cannot be defined, nothing to measure.

So believe whatever you want god to be and define as you wish. But understand this is your belief only and not knowledge, even if you believe it to be true. Because the truth is no-one knows and you should be wary of those that claim they do.

puff Level 8 Nov 12, 2023

@FvckY0u A singular god is only believed by retards subscribing to Abraham's "Goat herder's guide to the galaxy". No other religions do that, just the 3 stooges.
I totally dismiss concepts of god(s) as all other life does not give two fucks what one species, humans, believe and carry on regardless. That simple fact tells me all gods are human creations to explain the unknown to humans only. Other life is not affected one bit by human gods, whichever of the 5000 odd documented god beliefs you may be talking about.

See my definition above. It pretty much jibes with what you said, but it must remain an essential part of the lexicon, otherwise what would we use to proceed the word, "dammit"?

@FvckY0u Finish the sentence. I totally dismiss because I know................god is a human concept that has zero effect on other life. I'm awake to that one.
Into freedom of belief, so go for your life in your view of it all. All I do know, through logical reasoning, is that any god(s) supposing they exist, choose to not expose themselves or interfere with any of the life around us that we exist with. They may as well not be there.
Life exists quite happily without god(s), but god(s) cannot exist without human life.

@FvckY0u, @puff So, prove to me that what somebody intends to evoke or describe when they use whatever word they use, subjectively, does not exist. If you can not prove that to me then I can use any discriptive terms I choose. In other words, I cannot prove that a diety exists, can you prove that it does not? I said it is a "word" or a "concept". That is something I can prove so I will stick to that. You are nit picking for the sake of argument.

@fishline79 God is not a physical concept, it is spiritual ie nonphysical. You can define physical things because they are finite eg have boundaries. Not so the nonphysical like a "god" concept or any other imagined concept.
As a belief, we can argue forever about what "god' is and no-one wins because the concept, as a belief, is limitless..

@puff the universe can exist without human life, and if God is defined as the universe, then your assertion is false!!!

@puff if you define God as universe, then Universe and God are physical....duh.

@Communistbitch a singular god is just a goat herders wet dream. I never said that, god is universe so reread my comments. I go with Buddha on this one.
"Just is"

@puff sort of like a singular government, one world order, new world order, one government. How many universes are there buddy? One motherfucking universe

@Communistbitch Knock yourself out, as many or as few as you want. Doesn't really matter to my life because I have accepted...........................
Just is


God was created by men in its own image. The flaws in all the so call religious books are all reflections of human failures. All the mass killings, rapes, incests, slavery, that are attributed to an imaginary, unseen super being who is all knowing, and keeps on failing and making mistakes, are all human failings throughout history.

@FvckY0u Of course it is to justify men's own bad behaviors. Those are just human failings attributed to a God, in an attempt to convince the population that bad behaviors are acceptable.

Here is a song I wrote long ago. It says the same thing you are saying, just more poetically.


I have no need to define a god other than imaginary.


So you are a pantheist.

@FvckY0u Does the label fit? If not, why not?

@FvckY0u I am not asking you to accept labels. I am asking you if you believe in pantheism. If you believe in pantheism but don't want to be labeled a pantheist, fine. I don't care. But, if you believe in pantheism, why be ashamed to admit it? If you don't, why be ashamed to deny it, or at least clarify? Besides, you said that the Universe and God are the same, didn't you? That is the usual definition of pantheism. Why post it if you don't even want to talk about it? Besides that, you obviously do believe in labels. The very first thing you did was label me...and then dodge the question, which you are still doing. But then why post at all?


And what compels you to define "god"?

@FvckY0u A true god would define itself, it doesn't need you.

@FvckY0u Are you talking about a nonexistent god?

@FvckY0u Is your god sentient? Is it active and alive in your life? Does it tell you to do things? Do you hear its voice.

@FvckY0u So, you are saying that I am god? Does your god have a gender or personality that it expresses?

@FvckY0u If it sleeps, does it also eat and shit? What else do you believe without proof?

@FvckY0u Is that something you believe or something you know.

@FvckY0u Is it understanding or belief?

@FvckY0u Does your god have a purpose and/or a benefit?

Can others know your god as much as you do?

@nogod4me does the universe have a purpose? Can people understand the universe? Does it end somewhere, or does it expand eternally with no end. Has it always been here, or did it appear out of nothing? If there is no end to the universe, then where is space, space doesn't exist because there is no beginning and end, we choose an imaginary beginning and end to measure sections of a universe that expands eternally and you cannot measure it. If the universe has always been here, how old is it? It has no age, time is defined bynthe rotation of the earth around the sun.

@nogod4me How would a true god define itself?

@Heraclitus You exist, do you define yourself or do you NEED @FvckY0u to define you?

@FvckY0u has deleted his answers to my questions.

@Communistbitch So, you are saying that the universe is what it is and doesn't need @FvckY0u to define it as god?

@nogod4me Not to myself, but maybe to others who don't know me may need me to define whom I am...and that doesn't answer the question.

@Heraclitus Would you pray that @FvckY0u defines you correctly? I answered the question, you just don't realize it.

If a god did exist, It most likely could define itself, it doesn't need @FvckY0u to define it.

@nogod4me No, and that is not what I said at all. I never said anything about prayer or praying that someone defines me correctly. That makes no sense. And I never said that if a god exists it would need someone else to define it to itself. You are making no sense.


I have little problem with a none theist "god" such as deism, and/or seeing the whole universe as an equivalent to god. That is pretty much my position, and I would go so far as to say that I believe in worshiping the universe, which is perhaps more than most atheists/agnostics would admit to committing to.

But I am a little wary of calling the universe god, not for any technical reason, or because it could not be the exact equivalent of god. But simply because, god, is a word heavily claimed by the theists, usually for a personal, morally repugnant, goat herder in the sky, type of being. And theists are not very good at understanding that words only have usages not meanings, or that other people may have other usages, not like theirs. The theist tends to think in absolutes. So that using the god word thus, can lead to confusion and angry misunderstanding. Which seems needless when there are plenty of other good words, like universe, cosmos, nature, and everything, which serve even better and already exist. Therefore I would prefer to say that, I worship the universe, rather than, the universe is my god, even those are equivalent statements.

And besides that, it seems insulting to the universe, which is so vast, rich and diverse, to call it by the same name as the, morally repugnant sky goat herd.

@FvckY0u No, I put zero stock in labels, that is what the fundies do, indeed that may be a definition of a fundamentalist. That is why I am prepared to use labels tactically, and treat them with contempt, so if it is the best tactic to abandon a word and send it to its death. Then so be it.

No no universe cannot be your God, and doesn't care if you worship it, because we are a part of the universe 😂

However, universe has God like qualities. It never dies and will be here for eternity, it has no ending or wall ,and even if it did, nothingness behind the wall is still something!!! Universe has no age, you cannot measure it as it has no ending. It simply exists, and our feeble minds seem incapable of grasping something so large that it doesn't end, so we measure parts of the universe with our imagination.

How stupid and foolish for us as atheists to believe we are intellectually superior and to think that what we do and say matters to the cosmos, as we are here as a lifespan of shorter than an ant, compared to the lifespan of the universe

@Communistbitch Yes that is very true. Though I am not sure that the need for worship is an essential part of the definition of "god", since a deist god, as opposed to a theist god perhaps, would not require or want worship by definition.

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