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Mythological, pompous, judgemental, inflexible, impracticable, dogmatic, hateful, outdated, didactic, repressive, misogynistic, vengeful, hypocritical, static, archaic, obsolete, reactionary, anti-intellectual, superstitious, unenlightened, pretentious.

If any of the preceding adjectives can be applied to your religion, you might consider changing, but it might be best to not ask your imam, rabbi, priest, or minister.

fishline79 7 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Only the. "Mythological, pompous, inflexible, impracticable, dogmatic, hateful, outdated, didactic, repressive, misogynistic, vengeful, hypocritical, static, archaic, obsolete, reactionary, anti-intellectual, superstitious, unenlightened, pretentious." Need religion. Anything good, is not hard to justify by way of reason and appeal to the basic good of human nature. Only those who have things to pedal, which are hard to justify by reason and appeal to human nature, need tradition and supernatural authority to support their claims.
Thus there exists a natural marriage between religion and criminality.

And, maybe you can add "politics" to that marriage.



Note the change to my original text.


In choosing my religion are supernatural beings optional?

Great song; great video


None of those apply to mine, thanks.

skado Level 9 Nov 12, 2023

That's what every "imam, rabbi, priest, or minister" says.

I don’t believe or practice as they do.

@skado LOL

If you know something about my beliefs I don’t, please enlighten me.

@skado I long ago escaped exactly the same cult, that of belief in myth and human culture as metaphor with an intrinsic wisdom built in, in which I was inbedded. So that it is very easy for me to recognize when someone suffers from the same delusions that were once mine.

@skado If you claim to practice a belief system /religion as opposed to a reason and evidence based life, you are by definition advocating the practice of the Mythological, inflexible, impracticable, outdated, static, archaic, obsolete, reactionary, anti-intellectual, superstitious and pretentious.
If you do not do these things you are not practicing, you are actually living a decent life.

For all the many times you and I have talked in the past, you have never been able to steelman my view in other than vague generalities, so… I don’t know what you were “inbedded” in, but I have no reason to think it resembled my thinking. But If I am indeed misguided ( it wouldn’t be a first ) I sincerely wish you would explain to me my error. There are countless ways a person could read metaphor, and many of them could be terribly destructive. That doesn’t mean there can’t be a constructive way.

I don’t claim to practice anything that is opposed to a reason and evidence based life. It is entirely reasonable to practice behavior modification for purposes of social cohesion and personal wholeness. I’m sure you do too, to some extent. You may not like to call it religion, but scientifically - biologically - that’s what it is.

@skado Of course, in the widest meaning, everything including a belief is religion, it is just the difference between good religion and very bad religion.

If we go wide enough to include everything then the word religion loses all meaning. There is a middle ground that is compatible with present day general scholarship, even though no tight consensus has been reached.
It’s bigger than religious fundamentalism and smaller than “everything”.

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