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History does repeat. Love irony.

During Covid, if you were strongly against mandates you were automatically antivax.

With the Palestinian cause, if you are strongly against Israeli's excessive military response in Gaza you are automatically pro-Hamas.

Both a generalisation, not true for all. True for some, some would assume these narative(s) are factual for sure, even though they are not true for the majority at all. Many of those who protested at pro-Palestinian rallies for example......they just don't like schools, hospitals and refugee camps being bombed. Nothing to do with supporting Hamas.

Isn't it ironic that both of these general narratives are heavily promoted by the media and government. Grouping people, demonising them and justifying collective punishment, which is occurring now in Gaza and happened during Covid everywhere as well.

The world is far more nuanced than this eg you can oppose mandates and be pro-vax, just as you can denounce Israeli actions against Palestinians without supporting Hamas.
Be skeptical of narratives as they are often agenda driven, I suppose that is what I am saying. As well as groups form but are comprised of individual thought, that group agreement on one issue (eg mandates) does not automatically mean that same group agree on all others (eg anti-vax).

I'm not sure what world we all want to live in, but nation states targeting domestic populations they occupy with their military is something that is not a desirable new precedent to set.

puff 8 Nov 14

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What does Covid have to do with this? I might also remind you that media is the only way you will know or see what is going on over there unless you go there yourself. In that last case you might even be in with those who are targeted.

I was referring to Western media and narratives eg still winning Ukraine are we? Emancipated enough women in Afghanistan yet? How's that Russiagate going?
There is plenty on Gaza and the West Bank on line, just not main news services who call protesters terror supporters (as if Israel is not promoting terrorising a population atm)


What strategic and tactical military experience do you have to that enables you to determine if Israel's military response is excessive?

You don't need military experience to recognize genocide! People all over the world see the collective punishment being applied by Israel for the excessive intentional killing of Palestinians. How many of the 10,000 dead Palestinians were Hamas?

@Shaggy2018 I agree that genocide is unrelated to military experience, however thre is no genocide taking place so that is irrelevant.

Palestinians elected Hamas by a LARGE margin. Therefore, just like the German population of pre- WW2, they are responsible for the results. One must live with the consequences of one's actions.


Every world leader needs to urge both groups to enact a cease-fire and find a way to live in peace. Too many people in this world are happy to kill and die in war.

Growing up in the 70's, the automatic response to something like this was an arms embargo on both sides. That just for starters.
Think this is the end of the UNSC with their individual powers of veto because it is not working.


Middle east is always a complete mess - way to much history.

@Druvius I agree, we still have ideals of a colonial aspect with aspirations of empire that needs defending.

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