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Tyson Foods, one of the biggest meat producers, is investing in insect protein


Tyson, a major US producer of beef, pork and chicken, is betting on protein that comes from insects.New York


— The meat processor said on Tuesday that it has invested in Protix,

a Netherlands-based insect ingredients maker. Tyson is not only taking a

minority stake in the company, but is working alongside it to build a

US factory. That facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier

flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry and fish.

Tyson did not disclose the financial specifics of the deal.

Those flies are not going into human food, at this point. “Today,

we’re focused on more of [an] ingredient application with insect protein

than we are a consumer application,” said John R. Tyson, chief

financial officer of Tyson Foods.

1patriot 8 Nov 15

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It's for the greater good, we need some of youse to die off so we can reduce the population, take your vaccines and as Billy said, we'll reduce population by about 10 to 15 percent. And you better not think you own any bugs, the bugs belong to the state, If you think we won't seize your bugs, think again.

Its been a plan for a well

@1patriot shhhhhhh!!!!


They would probably also invest in Soylent Green, should it become available.

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