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It's really funny how smart entrepreneurs take advantage of the stupidity of religious people!
In the Middle Ages there was the sale of indulgences: you gave money to the Catholic Church and in return some of your sins were forgiven (or those of a relative who was still in Purgatory).

In recent decades, a new religion has emerged, and it has invented its own type of "indulgences":
In America, wealthy white women pay to be accused of white supremacy, racism and privilege. Race2Dinner, an anti-racism enterprise created by Regina Jackson, who is black, and Saira Rao, who is Indian American, charges $5,000 for dinners that promise a serving of guilt with every course. With their emphasis on systemic racism, white privilege, unconscious bias and microaggressions, Jackson and Rao teach their clients how to go beyond merely being ‘not racist’ to become fully trained-up woke anti-racists. In the process, they pander to a form of self-loathing that seems particularly prevalent among elite, white feminists.

Thibaud70 7 Nov 16

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How about the stupidity of paying taxes to government? But da roads! 100 pervent tax.


Well ,in school i could of walked around with a soul bag ànd bought souls for a dollar each and one out of ten people may of got religious later on and i could of made a huge profit...

But people who cannot think critically in general would of crawled if Told by experts there was good reason to.. could of said the virus stays in mid air between 4 to 6 feet, so everyone over 6 feet and under 4 foot tall don't need to crawl but everyone else does...

If i had the money i would of bribed a store manager to do that experiment... I bet it would of worked on most people in the first year or so...

And not all.of them be " religious "


Ummmm, stupid is a stupid quote a very wise man.
I fail to see how to 2 true entrepreneurs taking advantage of a bunch of gullible trophy wives is anything more than The American Way.
Or maybe the resurrection of PT Barnum.
You go Regina and Saira!!!!!

There is an important difference between Barnum and this kind of business: Barnum, as far as I know, just wanted to entertain people, without any political agenda, but these two ladies of color (unless they are cynics) and their white customers don't do this for fun, but to be part of a mouvement that makes the world a better place; they desperately want to be on the right side of history.


I hope you're joking.

Joking? You think I made this up??

@Thibaud70 Not really. I accept that it's probably true. It's just one of those aspects of reality that I don't want to recognise.


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