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“Religion, is a mistake of geography. If you where born in America you are Christan, if you where born in the middle east you are Muslim, China Buddha, and before that Zeus, Thor, and people believed that the earth was flat and the sun went around the earth, though they where wrong & not only that but all of these things have no evidence.”

Richard Dawkins

St-Sinner 9 Nov 17

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This is the "logic" that every religious believer holds as true. I have talked to those who actually think they would still be Baptist if born in Egypt or India. How sad.


Language, is a mistake of geography. If you were born in America you speak English, if you were born in the Middle East you most likely speak Arabic, Hebrew, Persian or Turkish, China Mandarin, and so on.

The suggestion, from an evolutionary biologist no less, ( if these are actually his words ) that an evolved capacity for adopting the local culture one is born into is somehow a mistake, is wrong & diametrically opposite of what the known evidence makes clear.

Dawkins has all the knowledge necessary to understand that, but chooses, consciously or otherwise, to ignore it. Ya gotta wonder why.

skado Level 9 Nov 17, 2023

It did not say that the "evolved capacity for adopting a local culture" was a mistake, merely that the given outcomes are in the case of one example religion.

I am sure that he, or who wrote this, had no intention to suggest that, for example in agriculture, adopting a crop suited to the local climate, and easily ignoring those that are not, because the rest of your culture have already done so, was a mistake.

This is a sad pathetic attempt at strawmanning.

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