Last week Trump paying off Stormy Daniels was just fake news..
Anybody else to what else is so fake?
It's all fake! Wake up and fight empire building. "Out Of The Illusion "
Michael Avenatti on Stephen Colbert's show hinted that there are a multitude of gals willing to come forth and testify that the commander-in-shit sexually did inappropriate things to them. It's been a year and a half of me wondering what will bring him down and I'm certainly not picky. Whatever it takes, I'll cheer.
Well they say he's gods pick...Anyone know who Lucifer is gona choose? We should vote for him
You wonder what else is fake? Trump came on the scene and everything became fake - including Trump who was the one coining the term "fake news." Now idiots run around spouting that crap just like Rush Numbnutz and his "dittoheads." You don't find truth with Alex Jones or some bright guy named Bart. What you see is the beginnings of an effort to screw up all knowledge on the Internet.
Well President Dunning-Kruger stated he reimbursed Cohen for paying off Daniels. I find the concept of hush money being paid to a porn star much more plausible than 45 paying a debt.
I like that one "president Dunning-Kruger"...You clever girl
@josh23452 he claims to have "a really big brain, the best brain" but i'm pretty sure its mostly water.