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Let's continue what our parents did.

We all know about Baptism.

In Hinduism, 'Hindu Munj' is a sacred thread ceremony of Brahmin (only) boys when they enter boyhood from childhood.

They wear the thread from left to right until they enter married hood when they switch from right to left.

While peeing you pull one side and pull the tread over your years until finished.

During the boyhood and after 'munj' boy must beg for food and survive only on the food donated to them and only perform temple worship and take care of the deities

I had one too at the age of 8

The text under "... brainwash must continue in the name of..." is Sankriti which means culture or tradition.

St-Sinner 9 Nov 23

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When I was working as a humanist celebrant on the mainland, I actually had people interested in having a baptism for washing away their Christian baptism and teachings, so cleansing their minds for a total embrace into a more humanistic way of life. It's all symbolism, but sometimes a ritual can mark a fresh start and commitment to a new way of life.


Baptism symbolizes washing your sins clean. Sins means you broke a law.


You wouldn’t want to be walking around with a dirty brain would you? 😁

skado Level 9 Nov 23, 2023
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