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Good on 'em. Zionist are on the extreme edge and cast a pall on the more moderate followers of faith. Exactly like Islam extremists (eg ISIS), Xtian extremists (eg KKK), Hindu extremists etc. They terrorise the Palestinian population so fit the definition of terrorist. Worse than ISIS, they have nation state support. People like these Jews attending this conference need to take control of the state of Israel if it is to survive.
I believe most religious people are also secular ie they do not wish for any one faith to dominate and use dogma to enact laws. Israel needs to be secular as the Jewish religious state is obviously not working. The terrorist Zionist need to be removed from power and confronted eg reign in settler aggression by holding them to account, rather than provide IDF security legitamising their actions.

puff 8 Nov 23

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So I guess you could say the same thing about the "Republican Party" going along with their hard core extremist minority, or the U.S. voting public voting for the MAGA candidates? American Jews go to Israel for all the "perks" of being in a populist country where they don't have to pay taxes and feed at the trough of "Uncle Sam", their benefactor, just like the "Corporate Elite". "The only democracy in the Middle East", bullshit! By the way, it's the same with India, you know, the ones who operate all the convenience stores and hospitals. They are "biting the hand that feeds them" to, toadies to Russia.

The first group I thought of are the fundalmentalist religious groups here in the U.S. and yes, the GOP nutters that are clearly in the minority but destroy the Congress.


Nothing worse than extreme orthodox religion. These people put all their faith in rituals many of which are insane.

Yep but it is important as it destroys the anti-Israel =anti-sematic nonsense. They are being useful here for once.

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