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Over the past 30 years Christians in Europe, Australasia and, more recently, in North America have been doubting the existence of God and leaving their religion in droves. We have not seen similar changes anywhere in the Muslim world. Certainly there are ex Muslims, but relatively few, so their numbers barely register in polls.

Why is this?

What keeps Muslims convinced the god of Abraham exists, whilst Christians increasingly doubt the very same god?

Greenheart 7 May 4

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In the induction I was given before going to work in Saudi Arabia, we were told that in the Koran, the death penalty was applied to three crimes. They were, Murder, Rape and Apostasy. I have never read the whole of the Koran so can anybody confirm this? If true it could explain a lot.


When a minority group is marginalised and vilified they are more likely to stick together and support one another. This makes it harder for them to leave their culture even if deep down they don't really believe in a personal god


You try spouting that your atheist ideas in Saudi Arabia and see how far it gets you. I imagine there are just as many doubters within the Islam culture but often they live under very oppressive regimes.

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