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Aaron70 8 Dec 1

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He had it coming...but so do the COWARDS in the GOP who refused to vote for his expulsion. What do you suppose THEY are hiding?


Her basement has been double-locked for years!!!!!

If she’s a smart Mommy!!😊


The guy lied to get elected, and stole from people by charging their credit cards. And even though they have finally kicked him out of public office, he still has not been brought to justice for any of his crimes! How slow is the justice system in this country?

Well that depends on which justice system you qualify for!?
Are you rich or is you poorβ€¦β€¦β€¦πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Unbelievably so ... I believe his trial isn't scheduled until next November.

@Buck and is you white or is you black?

@JonnaBononna I stand corrected!! 🀠


Maybe Lord Dingleberry can go back to Brazil, and reinvent himself as a plastic surgeon?


Should there be a link?

Nope, just a pic, lol….πŸ˜†

Thanks 😊

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