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I hope the next two generations can break free at least in the U.S. and reduce the influence of the Southern invasion of religion into the government.

St-Sinner 9 Dec 1

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The biggest brainwashing today is not religion but communism government and politics.

Political and socio-economic views change from generation to generation but religions endure and spread. There are only a handful of communist countries and only one (China) is a world power.

@Charles1971 name one country you can live in without being forced to pay taxes

@Communistbitch No, I won't because paying taxes is not a hallmark of communism. Taxes are the price you pay to live in a society. If you don't want to pay taxes then go live deep in the woods, don't have a job, and don't by anything ever again.


Doesn't look promising. There are several members of Congress that openly state they are Christian Nationalists, and a large majority of Republicans want to declare the US a Christian nation.
"Fully 61 percent of Republicans supported declaring the United States a Christian nation. In other words, even though over half of Republicans previously said such a move would be unconstitutional, a majority of GOP voters would still support this declaration."

I get a little shaky when I see The Ten Commandments all around court houses and "In God We Trust" all over cop cars. Putting it on our money was not enough for them. What part of the Ten Commandments is about law and justice?

@DenoPenno I don't think we're going to be a democracy much longer, so I don't know how much I can invest in "in god we trust" on stuff.

@DenoPenno The Ten Commandments is a big pile of bullshit. What sort of stupid deity would put rules about lying and cheating on your spouse into their highest laws but skip anything about rape, child molestation, or slavery?

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