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I recently discovered that watching videos of these parktards getting attacked by bears, moose, elk, etc, can be quite therapeutic!!🙃

Aaron70 8 Dec 5

Enjoy being online again!

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There’s moronic tourists everywhere.

Here’s a good story written by a New Zealand local:

“I was in the South Island doing touristy things and struck up a conversation with a tourist from the American South, who was similarly doing touristy things in the South Island.

Upon hearing I was from the other Island, (Eg North Island ) he asked me for recommendations for things to do up there and I suggested the Waitomo caves. (Tourist attraction with glow worms)

He was almost aggressively appalled at the suggestion he might enjoy the 'White Homo' caves and asked me what sort of a man I thought he was.”

That’s how it’s actually pronounced by the way.

Every year, locals die from jet lagged tourists attempting to drive rental cars on the roads straight after they’ve landed, forgetting that it’s on the left hand and consequently causing head on collisions. I’ve seen roads with big arrows painted on them, definitely not intended for kiwis…

Showing his ignorance and bigoted hate all at once……… Baptist are good at that sort of multitasking?! 🤨

My apologies for having to endure one of our finest……😢

@Buck Most tourists are pretty good, it’s the usual minority that cause issues. Some people are appallingly uninformed though.

It had never occurred to me that Waitomo had that meaning.

The arrows on roads will be spots where head on collisions have occurred and it was established that tourists were getting confused about road placement.

The animals to avoid here are seals on the beaches. They move surprisingly quickly and can be quite aggressive. There’s no snakes here by the way.


My favorite sneer for such fools is "tourons." Easy to decipher.

You must admit, Parktards has a bit of a rhyme to it, that gives it a certain appeal?!🤠
And it’s an original Buckism to boot…..😊


Sadly the animal in question is usually killed, even though not at fault.
Too bad they couldn't do the same to these retards.....

The clip in question wouldn’t upload unfortunately…….🤷🏻♂️

This one is always entertaining!!! Especially the dialogue….😊

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