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My husband had a massive stroke and recovery is unlikely. He has been placed with hospice.

My grief right now is overwhelming.

My friends and hospital staff try to comfort me with god-talk and prayers. How can I ask them to minimize this without hurting their feelings? They do not know I am agnostic.

Freeofcancer 6 Dec 14

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First, as a widow, I know something of what you're experiencing. Secondly, I had lots of "I'll pray for you" offers...well-meaning but often ''knee jerk'' because they don't know what else to say.

"Thanks for your good wishes, but we're not religious people" worked for me. Repeat as needed.

Wishing you well...I know it's not easy.


My job puts me around a lot of accidents and deliberate stupidity that leads to death in many many cases. I’m consistently around hospitals, families, and family friends. Religion inevitably comes up in one way or another daily.

First off; condolences for everything you’re going through.
On their end; it’s their coping mechanism too. They likely just assume.

You can politely explain it to them. Typically…. 99% won’t question it, but be prepared if someone (or three) does.
You could also take the more subtle approach and find a tasteful anti-religious shirt and to wear and a book or two to just leave around. You’ll get some some looks, but they’ll get the point that you support it enough to be open about it.
Good luck. I hope all goes well for you both.


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