So while in the bathroom a thought occurred to me, Some of my best thinking happens in the bathroom LOL. I used to teach video game art and when I did, I had a student who wanted to create a video game that was based on the rapture. I told him point break that I thought it was all phony, but he was aghast at my non believer-ship. Is that a word ??? But still apon reflecting on the rapture and its implications. I say bring it on, its only the end of days for Christians.
Do you know what this means for the rest of us ??? No more waiting in lines anywhere where Christians are the dominate majority. No more waiting in line at the grocery store, the gas station counter ( thats always a drag ) for reservations at nice restaurants. And best of all no more crazy people controlling our great country anymore !!!
It will feel to all of us, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans, whatever it will feel like a national holiday 24/7 !!! I say bring it on. I can't wait...So that was my thought of the day.