1 5

Yeah, those who overrate themselves despite their lack of knowledge, skills and competence are super-annoying.

Dunning–Kruger Effect – Why Once a Fool, Always a Fool

The majority of people believe that they are better-than-average. In psychology, this phenomenon is called the illusory superiority. A specific form of illusory superiority is Dunning–Kruger’s effect which states that people overestimate their abilities based on their real abilities. The rule is that the less competent a person is, the more they overestimate themselves. And, on the other hand, able people have a tendency to underestimate themselves slightly. A considerable part of this phenomenon is also the fact that the less able people do not change their attitudes even after being confronted with the reality.


Ryo1 8 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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University tests have shown that in a room full of 100 people the majority of people score better than or equal to average.

What number comes after the three

4, 6, 5, 5, 3,

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