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IT'S ALL PARASITES - CANCER, VACCINES, REMEDIES! ☠ This is the latest detox protocol I've come across ... to remove spike protein from your body... Number 1... NO MORE BOOSTERS... Nattokinase 2000 FU's twice a day, Bromelain 500 mg a day, Curcumin 500 mg 3 times a day, for at least 3 months to detox, For people who took multiple shots take for at least 12 months... also Chlorine dioxide, fenbendazole and ivermectin will help as well especially for cancers... I am not a content creator... I merely find good information and share it, Some of the things I share may not come to pass... I may not even agree with all of it but what I do share I find to be interesting, NOBODY gets it 100% right but I do try, My hopes are to create a site where you can find a wide range of good information at one location... I created this channel on 1/1/2020, My first post was on 8/20/2021, I watch everything I share... My only wish is for YOU to wake up and share the truth... Any content creator not wanting me to share their work, let me knowt... For God's sake do your own research...
1patriot 8 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Why does anyone respond to this person?

what are you some kinda doctor or just big fucking mouth piece


Anybody who promotes Ivermectin for anything other than de-worming animals, in Very carefully calibrated doses tied to bodyweight, is Dangerous!!!!!!
He fails to mention all the human Ivermectin enthusiasts who died of enlarged hearts, for just one example!!!!!

do you have that study handy as i have studied this stuff for the last 4 years and i am treating myself with it....and positives results so far! you know it won the nobel prize in 2015 no one has ever died from it so no known lethal dose so have taken up to 1.5 litres of it in a day with no side effects.... so yes i would really like to see that study.

@1patriot Google "side effects of human ingestion of Ivermectin" and get 355.000+ hits, fool.

@annewimsey1 so you get your info from google that's an untrusted web site are any of them peer reviewed

@1patriot how did I know you would say that????
None so blind as those who will not see.....Google is simply Reporting that there are 355,000+++ articles on the subject, Not inventing them, as you well know, or should.
I'm betting you think every single one of them was invented just to fool you, as part of the Great Conspiracy you are the Important Center of.......

@annewimsey1 []
been on it for 4 months haven't any of this shit but it is the mayo clinic which is bought by the American medical association of which is rockerfella and rosthchild creation and isn't here for your health. live well dear and you don't have to believe all there crap there lots of doctor out there spreading the truth. both my doctor are fighting withe the college of physicians and surgeons here in alberta which is wrapped around the WHO (world Health organization) and believe me these guys are criminal. i may never convince you and that's ok with me. if i ain't posting in a year i guess it never worked! Merry Christmas i am an athesist but many family and friends aren't and i like the feeling of family around!

@1patriot WTH is an " anthesis"?????

@annewimsey1 sorry forgot you don't know how to read between the lines lol
don't choke on your whiskey
i didn't get 355,000 hits i got 5-6 hits all your favorite mayo clinic, web MD etc.

@1patriot you must need glasses.
I am teetotal and have been my 99% of entire life...don't like the taste, cost, or effects of booze or drugs.

@annewimsey1 oh, so you do need to get laid!

@1patriot When you use Google, at the very top of the results, just under the Search bar, is the total number of results Google found that matches your this case the number i gave, above.
You apparently never noticed've been sticking to the first page on everything???!!!!!
No wonder your "facts" are so sad!
Glad I could increase your knowledge, you're welcome.

@annewimsey1 and google hides most of the information one looks for so they direct your thoughts your welcome on the google lesson of hidden information!

@1patriot ummmmm, 355,000+ sneaky hidden informational posts. (or not, it lists every single one it has, every time, and usually the numbers get bigger every time one checks)....yeah, ya got us!!! "Hidden" Fer Sure

@annewimsey1 well what ever you do let the medical mafia work on yea cause they need your business. My cancer doctor does nothing except wait for me to get worse.....your cancer doctor wouldn't be any different


This is WAY above my pay scale but I could see it being true. Like they say, there's not much money to be made creating a cure. 😑

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