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African American christian.
I would love to hear your justication for following the bible. When your forfather where enslaved, murdered and women raped and they used the bible as justication for it?

The claim of exodus in eqypt.

Zephaniah 2.12
You Ethiopians also, you shall be slain by my sword.

Even the ethiopians were more powerful then there god he was unable to conquest them.
Just using the two above why would your god want to kill blacks yet your worship it..
Hmmm maybe it stockholm syndrome

Rdurham 5 May 5

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I don’t believe the amount of people that say the bible is their favorite book. It is a work of fiction! And many colors swear by it!


I don't see how any black person could ever be a Christian. The thing is, most of them fail to see this in any valid way. It's the same argument as to why we have over 4000 Christian denominations today. If you are born into it then this is where you will stay.

I see the above as fact. Then I throw in how individual and unrelated books were bound together as one and called a "holy bible" and I don't see how anyone could ever believe it. Gods did not visit us and tell us to write everything down. Man created religion.


Try now , when a black male has a 50% chance of going to jail. same thought. why not challenge the laws and judges that make that possible


I think the same can be said of Latin America. The saddest part is that the people who were oppressed the most in the past by christianity often tend to be the most religious nowadays. That just tells you how deep the indoctrination goes.


Great question!


I have a good friend, who is a doctor that I worked with. He is from Kenya, and is a very devout Catholic. He asked me why I was Atheist and we discussed it. I asked him why he has accepted the religion of his ancestor's oppressors, who forced them to abandoned their traditional beliefs and accept their oppressors religion. He really had no answer. He just shrugged. I have another friend who I cared for during her pregnancy, and birth, who named her daughter a beautiful name of an African goddess. I commented that I loved the name and asked her if she practiced her traditional beliefs. She said she was a Christian, and, again, I asked her how she could adopt the beliefs of her ancestor's white oppressors. She just shrugged, again. She said she never thought about it. I must qualify this by saying I am white, and Irish, so I have no real insight into the Black experience, but I am curious.

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