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This episode educated me about an aspect of the Civil War which I knew nothing about. It is truly humbling to see where we have been.

racocn8 9 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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As always,'ve opened some eyes and I thank you! It shakes me a bit to read that people here weren't familiar with the attitudes expressed in the Confederacy. Economics and justification....that's what it is.


This was at the beginning a bit too rambling for me, especially for Beau!?!
But in the long run, Certainly worth listening too, as he always is.
And horrifying to hear.....


This is very enlightening. One problem with some people is that they claim we did black people a favor because through slavery they learned about "the one true god." That should be enough to make you sick. What it does is set the stage for Christian Nationalism among those who believe in it. Going by what the individual states say the Civil War was all about slavery. Very plain and simple when you read it.

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